Extended Spectrum DOCSIS®: A Pragmatic Approach

What does Extended Spectrum DOCSIS® mean for operators in practice? Download our white paper to find out! 

We have made real measurements in a real condition to answer a simple, yet important question. What kinds of amplifiers are needed in 1.8 GHz networks 和 what kind of performance are they expected to have?

Although coaxial cables might have close to unlimited potential, we must discuss what is possible today in laboratories as technologies tested at the moment will be available in 2020 for roll-outs. These practical matters are the focus of a white paper “Extended Spectrum DOCSIS®: A Pragmatic Approach,作者: 史蒂夫CondraArttu Purmonen.  

The paper covers variables that are expected to limit the  Extended Spectrum DOCSIS® in North America, 如:

  • Length of cables 和 amplifier cascades
  • 现有的水龙头
  • Performance of the state-of-the-art amplifiers equipped with the latest hybrids, 和
  • Capabilities of the latest Remote PHY products.

除了, we show two methods that help coping with high total composite power 和 give examples of how they could be exploited. The methods are based on technologies that are commercially available in 2020.

Download the white paper for the latest information 和 our unbiased practical proposals that can help cable operators obtain the most out of their networks with minimal changes.